Supplements for Metabolism

We’ve discussed before how there isn’t a miraculous diet pill on the market. However, individuals can still find natural supplements and ingredients that increase metabolism.


Those who wish to increase their metabolism should look for selenium in their metabolism supplements. Without enough selenium, our bodies cannot utilize metabolism-controlling hormones from our thyroids. A maximum of 75 micrograms (or .075 milligrams) daily will not disrupt your hormone balance.


Caffeine increases thermogenesis. Studies have found that people burn more calories when they take a daily dose of at least 270 milligrams of caffeine. Most caffeine supplements contain 200 mg; a cup of coffee may contain around 95 mg.


Capsaicin is active component of chili peppers and produces a burning sensation in any tissue it meets. In other words, it’s what makes spices spicy. It also may promote weight-loss. Studies find that capsaicin increases the number of calories one burns by 50 a day.


L-Carnitine turns fat into energy. The substance is produced in your liver and found in meat, dairy, nuts, and legumes. One study shows that L-Carnitine provides anti-obesity benefits. It can also treat conditions such as heart disease, peripheral artery disease, and diabetic neuropathy.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Studies find that conjugated linoleic acid may promote fat and weight loss.

Green Tea

Studies show that catechins and caffeine found in green tea may support weight maintenance. It’s considered a safe addition to many diets.


Resveratrol has been shown to burn fat in rats, but there isn’t enough evidence on how it affects metabolism in humans.


Do you know where your supplements are coming from? Many are deceived by supplements that use ingredients such as chromium picolinate and promise metabolism boosts. Healthy Solutions tests every raw material in our laboratory before our vitamins, supplements, and skin car products are manufactured. Contact us today.